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Kitchen Lilly - The safest & smartest way of surface disinfection
[Category : - Cleaning devices]
[Viewed 83 times]
The invention is named “Kitchen Lilly”, subsequently called KL. Kitchen Lilly (KL) is a revolutionary handheld surface disinfection system designed to break the chain of contamination and prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria. This innovative product offers a safe, intelligent, and user-friendly solution for homes, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, and any location requiring surface disinfection. In short, KL addresses the growing public concern about hygiene and infection control.
KL is an ergonomic handheld that utilizes a special disposable mop-cartridge that attaches to a removable disinfectant solution to disinfect surfaces without the need for direct hand contact with the cleaning solution.
Users simply attach the cartridge to the ergonomic handle and wipe surfaces. You can freely choose between disinfecting liquids or simply water for cleaning. The cartridge design minimizes user interaction with contaminants and ensures hygienic cleaning. KL offers a significant improvement over traditional cleaning methods like dirty cloths and rags.
In today's environment, heightened awareness of germs and viruses is a top priority, especially in high-contact settings like restaurants, schools, hospitals and hotels. Traditional cleaning methods usually fall short, leaving behind bacteria on surfaces while spreading germs through contaminated cloths and sponges. In addition, data shows that over 80% of viruses and bacteria reach and infect us through our hands, meaning mainly by touching infected surfaces, leading to cross contamination.
Customer benefits: These are the advantages and very important high-tech properties of Kitchen Lilly against existing cleaning methods. KL is not only meant for dangerous viruses, it can also stop us from spreading our cold, or a range of other simple bacterial infections.
Breaking the chain of contamination: See Video, 2:50
My underlying mission was not to just make another cleaning solution for the sake of financial gains but really to save lives, and to find a way that our hands do not get infected to avoid the spread of infections to other objects or humans.
KL intents to break the chain of contamination.
Eliminates Hand Contact: See Video, 2:50
The handheld design of KL ensures that the body with which the user interacts and the mop-cartridges are isolated from each other, that eliminates direct hand contact with cleaning solutions and contaminated surfaces. This prevents the risk of cross-contamination and protects users from pathogens of all kind.
Existing cleaning methods: See Video, 1:41
On average, people are using a cloth or a rag with some type of a cleaning or disinfectant spray. This is one of the most common ways to get infected and transport these infections to others.
Sponge shape and horizontal rails: See Video, 3:50
The round shape of the sponge-mop and the way it is used to clean, causes the moisture and most of the viruses and the bacteria to move to the upper area of the sponge after cleaning.
The size of the sponge is ca. 2 centimeters thick and it functions like a DEPOT.
Isolation: See Video, 3:16, 3:39
One main reason for infection with the existing ways of cleaning is the fact that not only are our hands getting infected, but also the used rag or cloth. In theory, this rag or cloth, needs to be washed and disinfected after every usage. We all know that this does not happen and therefore every following usage of this already contaminated rag will immediately infect the hands and the next surface of which is being cleaned. There is no Isolation procedure. With Kitchen Lilly, as soon as the cleaning is done, the sponge slides into the main sliding cover and at this stage, the viruses and bacteria are isolated in a chamber and have no contact with the outside environment.
Elimination: See Video, 3:39
Due to the lingering disinfection liquid in the Depot, the viruses and bacteria will get destroyed automatically. After 1-2 minutes, the depot is completely virus and bacteria free.
Multi-Purpose usage with quick liquid swaps: See Video, 4:40
KL works on a multitude of different surfaces. From tables to windows and all kinds of screens like TV’s and Monitors. The user can simply apply the liquid to something appropriate for the intended use, such as window cleaner or water. In general, it is of course recommended to use a high efficiency disinfectant solution.
Washing and cleaning the sponge: See Video, 3:50
The sponge does not have to be washed after every use like normal rags. After 1-2 minutes, the complete depot is, due to the existing disinfection liquid in it, automatically virus and bacteria free. The rest of the food or dust etc. on the sponge can easily be removed with a small brush. Of course, when needed or the sponge is too wet, it should be washed and pressed out with the special presser included in KL.
Clean Optics: See Video, 3:18, 5:16
The form of KL awakens curiosity; we tested this with ten tables in a restaurant, first by simply spraying and cleaning, the guests looked favorably surprised.
Afterwards eight tables were interested and asked about the product and its function. Three tables asked if they could hold it themselves, after a brief tutorial. Five people asked about pricing and where they could get something like this for home usage. Curiously, all were women. This test showed that this could actually be a good selling point “on the spot” with a good and quick profit for the restaurant as motivation. In short, the concept of “Caught by surprise sales” could also be applied with KL and the feedback so far gives me reason to be optimistic.
Logo, design, slogan: Possibility on the sliding cover as a corporate identity or any other advertisement slogans.
Superior Absorption: rnThe absorbent material within the mob-cartridge with its superior volume effectively traps dirt, food residue, and pathogens, removing them from surfaces thoroughly. This eliminates the risk of spreading contaminants compared to traditional cleaning methods that simply move them around.r
Self-Disinfecting Properties:
The disinfectant solution in combination with the cartridge kills viruses and bacteria on contact, ensuring a high level of disinfection, while the disinfectant solution keeps the mop-cartridge itself clean. Simple hot water rinsing is recommended for optimal hygiene.
Superior Sustainability and economic advantages:
KL’s modular design with the ability to easily and quickly swap cartridges and liquids, as well as the ease of which the user can clean the Dishwasher-proof und shatterproof modules and the vastly superior durability and longevity of the mop-cartridge compared to traditional cleaning solutions, leads to less long-term cost for the customer and less garbage production over time.
A more hygienic and better organized user experience:
KL prioritizes hygiene by offering a secure docking-station for the handheld unit, keeping it in one fixed place between uses, preventing it from being mixed up with other handhelds or lingering around in random places. KL also comes in a variety of color schemes, allowing you to easily differentiate between units used in different areas, promoting hygiene and organization in professional and private surroundings.
The All-in-One Cleaning Solution for a better optical and practical experience:
Unlike bulky cleaning supplies, KL's sleek, all-in-one design eliminates clutter and creates a more visually appealing cleaning experience. This all-in-one nature of KL’s design, makes it a lot easier to carry and use KL, maximizing practicality and efficiency for busy households and hectic businesses.
Effortless Cleaning and Gentle on your Body:
Cleaning with KL only requires minimal pressure. This is much more ergonomic and easier on the arms and joints then using cloths and sponges, which demand more pressure.
Exclusive after sales: the cartridges and the special disinfection liquid makes the after sales exclusive only for the locations which sell KL.
Very needed product: KL should become a mass product and it will, at latest by the next epidemic or pandemic, which might happen sooner than later. We all hope that another pandemic never happens again, but history teaches us that we should be ready already and not wait in vain.
Polished finish:
Cleaning with KL results in a streak-free polished look for all flat surfaces.
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