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Prep for the NEW Pandemic - Hands / Mask Free Neb Meds - 95% Off
[Viewed 111 times]
There is a new pandemic facing the nation. China has already declared a state of emergency. The COVID pandemic crossed the ocean very quickly. We feel so sorry for China and their people is on our minds and in our prayers.
There is already an identified virus within the United States that has yet to be identified. The symptoms are in-line with that currently being seen by China and other countries around the world. Who knows who it really come from?
It’s time to prepare for the pandemic before declaration here in the United States. Hospitals have already restricted visitation. We will once again see healthcare workers wearing gowns and mask to treat patients. This is especially true in the respiratory virus realm.
Purchase the utility patent for full ownership with no royalites due after purchase. Get this device into the medical world to limit the time of exposure of healthcare workers and family members at home alike. Respiratory virus is even more difficult in weakness as well as for those patients with claustrophobia (for mask necessity). Purchase the Hands Free / Mask Free Nebulization Innovation now.
Deleted and reposted so the post would go to the top of the list. Previously listed as Hands Free / Mask Free Nebulized Medication Innovation.
Returned to 10,000,000 United States dollars after the Christmas and New Year’s Sale as reported within the sales. Now in the face of the pandemic, and to get this innovation to market and in the hands of healthcare providers, we are giving a 95% discount. For full ownership of the Utility Patent: 500,000 United States Dollars.
A chest-supported nebulizer apparatus. The chest-supported nebulizer apparatus has a planar base that rests on the chest of a user. At least one lateral strap and a neck strap is removably securable from the planar base. The neck strap can encircle the neck of the user and is slidably adjustable to adjust the length of the neck strap. A receptacle is disposed in the planar base, wherein the receptacle can receive a central support therein. The central support is pivotally affixed to the receptacle, allowing a user to adjust the angle of the central support relative to the planar base. A support assembly is slidably affixed to the central support. The support assembly is sized to receive a nebulizer.
This device optimizes the delivery of nebulized medications. Its design is to allow patients, and their healthcare providers deliver these medications hands-free. This device is capable of delivering medications without the patient having to hold the peace-pipe apparatus or the need for a mask. This will help patients who are claustrophobic in relation to mask wearing. This will also assist the patient and the healthcare provider alike in the need to hold the peace pipe either for themselves or the patient freeing up staff from the need for one-on-one patient experiences. This would free up staff to provide multiple treatments for patients where this is often needed. This is especially true in facilities that are short on staff, or the number of patients and treatments outnumber the staff. This device was designed to provide quality care of nebulized medications and is not just designed for one type or brand of medication or nebulizer manufacturer. The owner can revise the innovation to fit one or multiple manufacturers.
Full ownership of the Utility Patent: 500,000 United States Dollars
Financial informationSales are based at only 3% of a diagnosis to 25% of a diagnosis purchasing the product. This along with a $3 to $15 dollar product of manufacture to sell profit.
Cost effect: (Based on current global statistics) (pre-COVID & year 1)
m - million
Asthma: 262m – 65,500,000 (25%) – $196,500,000 ($3 profit) - $982,500,000 ($15 profit)
COPD: 480m – 120,000,000 (25%) - $360,000,000 ($3 profit) - $1,800,000,000 ($15 profit)
Asthma: 262m – 26,200,000 (10%) - $78,600,000 ($3 profit) - $393,000,000 ($15 profit)
COPD: 480m – 48,000,000 (10%) - $144,000,000 ($3 profit) - $720,000,000 ($15 profit)
Cost effect: (Based on North America only) (2019 – Pre COVID)
Asthma: 26m – 6,500,000 (25%) – $19,500,000 ($3 profit) - $97,500,000 ($15 profit)
COPD: 14m – 3,500,000 (25%) - $10,500,000 ($3 profit) - $52,500,000 ($15 profit)
Asthma: 26m – 2,600,000 (10%) - $7,800,000 (3 profit) - $39,000,000 ($15 profit)
COPD: 14m – 1,400,000 (10%) - $4,200,000 ($3 profit) - $21,000,000 ($15 profit)
In the United States:
Hospitals: 6,093
Nursing Homes: 26,514
Patients with Asthma: 26 million
Patients with Emphysema: 14 million
Asthma and Emphysema are just two examples, of course, of popular nebulized medications.
40,032,607 patients in exact numbers
If only 1 quarter of these statistics purchase the product, having just a 15-dollar profit in mind, this would lead to a base profit of (10,008,151.80 X 15) $ 150,122,276.00
Having the same figures in mind with a 3-dollar profit (10,008,151.80 X 3) $ 30,024,455.40
We project that the product innovation would be more popular than this, but just an idea of how profitable it would be.
These numbers are based on the first 6 months to 2 years after the initiation of the product to market. Not based on the life of the product or the company that purchases the patent. Numbers could be much better than this over years of distribution aka life of the company.
Full Ownership of the Utility Patent: 500,000 United States Dollars
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