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Re-usable Connector for Domestic wet Mop Rifills

[Category : - Cleaning devices]
[Viewed 78 times]

Domestic Mop Floor Refill, presently in the market has "Plastic Head" permanently attached to the "Moping Cloth" and as a result after 3-4 months of use, when the "cloth" is worn out, unfortunately it will end up in nature along with the "plastic part that is permanently attached to it" although the latter has not completed its life cycle yet.

With laws applicable worldwide "To Reject the Use of Single-Use Plastic" there is an urgent need to replace, as much as possible, “Single-use plastic products" with the "Re-usable ones” in support of Circular Economy.
Two minutes vidieo demonstration of our product:

This reusable connector can also be produced from Recycle waste plastics!!

Every piece of plastic dumped in landfill is creating huge environmental challenges, as they degenerate into toxic microplastics
With the aim to reduce plastic pollution caused specifically by the Plastic Head permanently attached to Moping Cloths, our innovative project offers a new design: Reusable Head, designed to be easily attached to the Mop Cloth, so that when the "cloth" is worn out and has completed its life cycle, it can be detached and thrown into Nature without the plastic head.

The plastics industry has not yet offered a solution for domestic wet mop refills that allows the reusable plastic part, as is available for commercial use. Our innovation introduces a simple and convenient screw/unscrew design that enables easy replacement and reuse of the plastic component.

Full Discription can be seen on the link below:

Financial information

I am open to any kind of partnership.

Environmantal and Market impact:

Using an average worldwide household of four people there are around 2.2 billion estimated residences in the world.
2.2 billion x 40 gr.= 80.000 tons of plastic waste could be diverted from landfills annually if our Reusable Mop head design is implemented world-wide.

The same amount of Virgin plastic production will be saved

**This amounts does not include the Mop Refills used on schools, stores, offices etc.

Market Impact:
This innovation has strong scalability and potential to reach a global market. It serves both Households and Commercial sectors, potentially reducing waste and production costs for everyday Wet Mop Floor.

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