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[Viewed 110 times]

Here is an interesting proposal for a speed reducing or speed increasing mechanism.rnIt is the simplest ever solution for such a problem, sincern- it has ONE ONLY MOVING PART between its input and its output,rn- it is NOT FRICTION BASED, whilern- it is also very compact and lightweight,rn- and very simple in construction, operation and maintenance,rn- having the greatest possible efficiency.rnIt is not just a breakthrough: moreover is the "simplest ever solution" in the strict mathematical sense.rnBesides these, it is really new and innovative as it is already proved that there was no any other similar proposal until the 20th of February 2020:rnthere are already excellent Search Reports from WIPO (WO/2021/165707) and USPTO, where there is already a Granted Patent: US11940034B2.rnIt is obvious that it has no competitors in the field of speed reducers, easily achieving simple transmission ratios such as 100:1, or tremendous ones, even greater than 1,000,000:1.rnHowever, this proposal is the absolute dominant player in the field of speed INCREASERS.rnINCREASEST projectrnNow, the achievement of transmission ratios over 1:200 (increaser), for a considerable amount of power, is possible ONLY via the configuration of this proposal.rnWe can vision, at last, transmission ratios such as 1:400 or 1:900, or even greater.rnSo, when "increaser" means the currently in use such mechanism, doing a slight abuse of the English grammar, "INCREASEST" is the name of the mechanism for the same purpose, in the superlative degree, as it is the top one without a single competitor.rnNow, a version for a 1:400 transmission ratio is under development in close collaboration with the National Technical University of Athens (Laboratory of Machine Design & Dynamics), targeting directly to the market of the wind turbines of any type and size.

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