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Ohanna Monitor Smartwatch Device
[Category : - Audio - Video]
[Viewed 119 times]
Ohanna Enterprises, is highly excited to offer our Patented Monitor Smartwatch device (Wrist Unit ) for Partnership, Licensing or Sale. Our product is currently on the Market and there is no other Product on the market like ours.
Our Patented Monitor smartwatch is a Visual / Audio and GPS device. It comes with a Tamper-proof, Water-proof - locked wristband designed for Parolees, Probationers and individuals on Court Supervision.
Our device is an upgrade of the Monitor Ankle Bracelet, allowing our device to be more discreet, but in truth, much more humane !!!
This timely invention, invented by Mr. Robert Fennell, is a groundbreaking visual upgrade when it comes to monitoring. ( Patent #8,866,869 )
Moreover, without the locked wristband, but with a nice stylish wristband, our Monitor smartwatch can be worn by Senior Citizens being Monitor by the Medical Alert companies. Also, Parents can visually monitor their children as well.
If interested in connecting with us, don’t hesitate to give us a call.
Abdul Salaam Muhammad
President & CEO
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Financial informationThe financial benefits of this product is great. The selling of 50,000 units will gross $30 million. Imagine when we reach the selling of a million units.
Patent publications:No publication
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