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[Viewed 137 times]
In the magnetic cage-free roller bearing system, the rolling elements are spaced from each other by the effect of magnetic force without the need for a cage, so they can operate without sliding friction. Thus, it is a bearing system that has a very high energy efficiency since it has a dynamic friction torque up to 100 times lower than existing bearings, requires very little lubricant, can operate at high speeds without heating, and has an extremely low wear and fatigue rate compared to existing bearings because cage-roller friction does not occur. It also exhibits lower vibration than existing bearings. However, high temperature furnaces, where lubrication is impossible, can operate smoothly at low speeds in vacuum and space environments without lubrication.
Patent no: PCT/TR2023/050589
Financial informationWhen we look at the usage areas of a bearing, we see that it has a wide range. First, bearings are used in a wide variety of vehicles, from cars to bicycles. Additionally, bearings play a vital role in industrial machinery, electronic devices and household appliances. Even computer hard drives have tiny bearings that reduce friction and control movement. In the field of renewable energy, bearings also play an important role in the mechanisms that enable wind turbines to operate.
Patent publications:No publication
Asking price:
1,000,000 USD
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