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Production of bioethanol from cassava effluents

[Viewed 36 times]

This invention introduces an innovative technology that produces bioethanol from the liquid effluents generated during cassava processing. These effluents, often considered waste in traditional cassava processing, are repurposed to generate renewable energy in the form of bioethanol. This biofuel can be used both as cooking energy for households and as an additive for automotive fuel.

Problem Solved:
The cassava processing industry generates significant amounts of liquid waste, which is often poorly managed and can lead to environmental issues, such as water and soil pollution. At the same time, dependence on fossil fuels poses major environmental and economic challenges in rural regions. This invention addresses both problems by recycling cassava effluents to produce clean energy, reducing pollution while providing an alternative to fossil fuels.

Advantages Over Existing Technologies:

1. Waste Valorization: Unlike current bioethanol production technologies that often rely on dedicated agricultural crops (such as corn or sugarcane), this technology uses cassava effluents, which are typically wasted. This allows for optimal use of agricultural resources while reducing waste production.

2. Reduced Production Costs: By utilizing residual raw materials, the cost of producing bioethanol is significantly lower. There is no need to cultivate specific crops for biofuel, thus decreasing production and operational costs.

3. Positive Environmental Impact: This process helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions by providing a renewable fuel that partially replaces fossil fuels. Additionally, managing effluents reduces the risk of water and soil pollution.

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