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[Category : - OTHER]
[Viewed 162 times]

The present invention is a portable crushing apparatus to crush and grind small rocks and ores that includes a plurality of support legs that raise and stabilize the apparatus, a pair of handles that are perpendicular to the apparatus and allow a user to grasp the apparatus while in use and a pair of arms that include a distal end on each arm and extend horizontally from the apparatus. The apparatus also includes a casing that houses a crushing assembly that includes an adjustable jaw, a movable jaw, a plurality of jaw teeth, a plurality of spacers, an adjustable jaw pin, a guide pin, a pivot pin, a movable jaw spacer, an adjuster bracket and an adjusting bolt that is housed within the casing and a cover to prevent flying debris.

This is trademarked "Crazycrusher" .made by Goldquest LLC of Arizona. Patent filed in 2012, granted in 2015. As a one person LLC, I have made and sold over 1200 units to about 25 countries. It is a great opportunity for a shop with 4 to 6 or more workers, along with shop tools like Drill presses, a plasma cutting table (CNC), a lathe to cut thread, chop saws to cut materials, paint shop, shipping and receiving, and office person to handle materials orders.
Designed originally to crushing ore in the field to check for values in lieu of hauling buckets home. There have been many more uses over the years, Glass Art, Pottery and Glazes, universities for Arts and geology , CPU chips, recycle circuit brakers and hard plastic plugs. If it breaks and crushes with a hammer, it will crush and grind rocks and glass.

5 star ratings wherever sold. "Built for the Pro, Priced for the Hobbyist".

Financial information

Currently the Crazycrusher is still in production and sales. An outright purchase with reasonable ROI is offered. The potential to ship out just 2 a day can produce a gross sale nearly a 1/4 million annually.

With the sale of this patent can be included the LLC in Arizona, the registered tradename, 2 domain names and web sites.

Perhaps a license with royalties if the "deposit" is good.

Once the patent is sold and you start manufacturing, even when the patent expires you will have made a solid footprint on the product and will be the #1 seller!


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