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[Category : - Telecommunications- Navigation and orientation- Audio - Video]
[Viewed 65 times]

The kinetic energy mobile phone battery charger is a new patent with international protection, the system is based on the kinetic energy generated when the phone is in motion, either when I carry it in my pocket, handbag etc. this kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy to charge the battery, the circuit is very sensitive to vibrations and any movement is enough to generate electrical energy and charge the battery, the entire circuit is integrated into the phone itself and at first glance it is no different from phones that do not have this device installed. The main circuit uses special magnetic fields where the magnetic friction is practically zero, followed by a solid state electronic circuit that increases the generated voltage and controls it. This device is applicable to any mobile phone, laptop, cameras, tablets, game consoles, etc. All electronic devices that are in motion
- Allows integration into any portable device
- Unlimited autonomy
- Extends battery life
- No cables required
- No maintenance required
- Does not generate waste

Official Bulletin of Industrial Property Spain in 2020. Concessions (Article 47.3 RP) - Volume 2 Industrial Property Bulletin of May 12, 2020. Concessions (Article 47.3 RP) Patent or SPC number: 1073778 Y
Application number: 201930042 U ( 8) Filing date: 01-19-2019 Application publication date: 02-14-2020 International Patent Classification: H02J 7/ 00 (2006.01) Title of the invention: Battery charger for portable devices.

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