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Hands-Free / Mask-Free Cannabis Delivery Assistant

[Category : - OTHER]
[Viewed 199 times]

This Innovation was initially designed to be a medical use apparatus. Looking at its design, it would also work very well with water pipes or bongs for the use of the inhalation or smoking of cannabis. Cannabis has become globally used for both recreational and / or medical use. Having this in mind, we are also putting this apparatus out there for the use of Cannabis. If you owned the utility patent, you could use it for whatever you wanted, including, but not limited to, Cannabis use.

So how would you use this product / Innovation? Let’s think about bong parties, buddies hanging out and just want to chill. Let’s imagine those looking for some new “wear” wear for the bong / cannabis user. Let’s imagine those with medical needs who also use medical cannabis with various disabilities. Bong parties, or group parties would need one product per customer leading to more sales. Let’s think about the many gamers out there who smoke and want to keep a hand on the controllers. Let’s imagine who wants hands free, effort free bong use while smoking their favorite Cannabis. Anyone, for any reason, that wants or needs to be hands free would benefit from this innovation. Anyone with a disability or weakness in their upper body or one side of their body with limitations would benefit from this innovation. Or it could be the new “wear” wear that is simply just a cool new way to experience your hands-free smoking experience. Want to chill, hold your remote (or controller) and a beer at the same time, problem solved. Want to play corn hole and have your hands free and your bong right in front of you for the availability to smoke, no problem. Want to play pool with the same scenario, we have the answer. So many things can be done with this innovation!!

Device can be different colors, multicolored (such as the pride flag), college colored with associated designs (big for frat or sorority parties or for the general enthusiast, or professional teams in reference to the same (any sport).

Give your patrons, your customers, a new innovation for hands free, and easy way to enjoy the smoke they either enjoy because or enjoy because they out right need. Give them the new fad chest supported device (use laying, sitting, or standing because of adjustment available measures). Give them the bong necklace that’s supported as it lays against the chest for stability.

United States Utility Patent

Financial information

72 million users of Cannabis as used in projection. This is the latest known reported number of users in the U.S. If only 10% ever bought the product, that is 7.2 million. If there was only a $3 dollar profit from manufacture to distribution, that is $ 21,600,000. Greater than 10% would purchase this product, and I’m sure the profit margin would be greater as well. Just look at all of the additional uses and ideas. This is U.S. based sales. Because Cannabis is available globally and the use is continuing to grow, let’s talk about that. There are over 219 million users of Cannabis based on the same year’s stats, of which was 2019. These again, I’m sure have grown. So, again, if only 10% purchased the product, ever, that’s 21,900,000. At a $3 dollar profit margin, that’s $ 65,700,000. Having these profits and margins in mind, if the profit margin was greater, and we are sure that it would be as $3 is on the low end, imagine the monetary outcomes this apparatus could bring to the cannabis industry.

United States Utility Patent

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