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Honey Straw Manufacturing System creates ECONOMY

[Category : - Food]
[Viewed 77 times]

The Honey Straw Sealing System is able to fill and seal honey into clear PE straws in an effective and efficient manner that makes consumption of honey in fixed dosage.rnrnIt can be used for supplementing school feeding program to nourish the under privileged school children around the world .rnrnTo create a food that contains all the nutritional value and can be supported by Local resources and boost the fresh fruits and vegetables industries by 30%. The nutritional composition of the honey has meet or exceed the requirements and can be produced locally thus creating a self-sustaining economy especially for Malaysia and EuropernrnHoney Straw is a non-perishable product created from the nature without much additional time and effort from the people staying in the rural and outskirt of Malaysia and Europe. What they need is the knowledge and the equipment to manage the honeybees to work for them 24/7 without the need to pay them a single cent. However, the harvested honey will need to be processed and packed in according to the food safety standard accepted internationally for consumption.rnrnBeekeeping offers natural pollination, future food security, high income generation, medicinal products, and research opportunities.rnrnThe industrial design of this Honey Straw is registered in 33 countries, including U.K. and thus opens up further potential and prospects for a combined population of 2.19 billion consumers in these countries.rn? Singaporern? Hong Kongrn? Malaysiarn? Chinarn? Australiarn? Europe (consisting of 27 countries)rn? United KingdomrnrnOur Honey Straw Manufacturing System is Patented with the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore. Currently this product is not manufactured in Malaysia and Europe. Those that are available in retail outlets are imported or produced illegitimately. rnrnHowever, if this product is to be manufactured for school feeding program or export, the demand would push the price of honey higher and attract more people to go into the beekeeping business or transform the beekeeping tradition from the small holder beekeeping into commercial beekeeping.rnrnThrough the honey straw manufacturing business, a country can position itself as a niche producer of other honey products such as royal jelly masks, cosmetics, and supplements as well. With the right certifications to ensure the quality of its honey and its processes, the business can create a sustainable brand in the market where these products can be marketed to tourists and even be exported. rnrnWhile the product manufacturing and beekeeping activities will create jobs and employments, it can also create new industry spin-off like carpentry for hive making and engineering for tools and machineries. rnrnOur goal is to provide expert advisory and technological transfer to ensure that this project can be implemented successfully to facilitate the setting up of a commercially viable honey straw production facility. These will not only create jobs for the rural poor and allow them to make a living through beekeeping but also create jobs for factory workers and suppliers throughout the entire bee-farming chain.rnrnMore information is available at Link

Financial information

This system has been previously offered by an American businessman for USD25M in 2020 before our system was even published and registered with IPOS, Singapore. However, he died from Covid-19 and our deal has fallen. His plan was to use the Honey Straw for the school meal program in Europe. According to the Global Child Nutritional Foundation, GCNF, there are 29 countries in Europe with more than 25.5 million children receiving free school meals. If we are able to supplement these school meals with honey straws for EUR0.10/straw, there will be a minimum turnover of EUR561M a year for a 220days school year. What a SHREWD businessman he was and with clear and focus vision. He offered us USD25M before our Patent was being valued by anybody. Subsequently, we got our patent valued by 2 independent third parties to be between USD23M to USD31M.

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