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The Infant Soothing Mitt Device

[Category : - Baby products]
[Viewed 101 times]

Hello, My name is Donielle Davidson-Busch and i am the creator of the Infant Soothing Mitt, an assistive device for parents of fussy infants. The mitt can be worn while holding a child and rubbed on their back to relax them. The device contains vibrating and heating elements, as well as a speaker for playing calming music. This unique tool will aid in soothing a baby to sleep quickly and easily, decreasing stress for parents and caregivers everywhere. The mitt is thick and padded inside, with a silky/polyester exterior to feel soft like the skin. The material stretches and slides easily over the hand.

The front of the mitt can be customized with different phrases and may be available in different colors. The wrist has a hook and loop fastening system for easy adjustment so that it can be worn by anyone. An internal disc in the palm area can be set to vibrate at various speeds, and also contains a heating element for a warming effect. The disc is surrounded by a gel filled ring that will amplify its vibrations and conduct its generated heat throughout the palm. Both of these element rest underneath the soft exterior layer of the mitt.

The wrist area of the device houses the battery and control module that operate the devices heating and vibrating features. Another functional element located on the wrist is the speaker that plays music. It can play calming lullabies, several spa or nature sounds, and even the soothing sound of a mothers heartbeat. All these features will increase the child's comfort, enabling them to relax and fall asleep easier in your arms.

Problems solved: Infants require roughly 15 or more hours of sleep daily in order to maintain proper health and development, but caregivers and parents of newborns know how difficult it can be to sooth a fussy baby and get them to fall asleep easily. They often find themselves getting up several times a night, pacing around with their child in their arms, rubbing and patting their backs in an attempt to calm them back to sleep. This can take physical toll on an already tired parent, especially on their arms from carrying the child around.
Sleepless little ones who cannot be soothed to sleep quickly are more prone to distress and may constantly whine or cry. This increases stress levels for parents and newborns. So how do we tackle the tough issue of assisting caregivers with infants who cry for long periods of time? The soothing mitt provides a plausible solution.

The market for devices that soothe infants to sleep is a robust and dynamic part within the baby care industry. I was just issued my Utility Patent from the USPTO and would ideally like to sell/license the patent rights to my Soothing Mitt product. Please reach out to me at 570-239-5100 with any interest.

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