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[Viewed 110 times]

Inventors: Allwin D, AJIN N, and ABISHA Y
Affiliation: Civil Engineering Department, Noorul Islam University, Kanyakumari
Patent Title: Interlocking Paver Block Made from Plastic Waste
1. Introduction
This report details the sale of a design patent for an innovative esthetic look for INTERLOCKING PAVER BLOCK. The patent offers a unique visual design that enhances the aesthetic appeal and functional integration of interlocking paver blocks, commonly used in pavements, driveways, and landscaping projects.

2. Patent Overview
The design patent covers the ornamental design of interlocking paver blocks. This design introduces a novel visual configuration that improves the overall look and integration of paver blocks in various outdoor settings. The unique design includes specific geometric patterns, textures, and edges that set it apart from existing paver block designs.

3. Market Analysis
Industry Context: The paver block market is driven by demand in landscaping, construction, and urban development sectors. Aesthetic appeal plays a significant role in consumer preference for paving materials. The patented design offers a competitive edge by providing an aesthetically pleasing alternative to conventional paver block designs.
Competitive Advantage:
• Visual Appeal: The unique design enhances the visual appeal of paved areas, making it suitable for high-end residential and commercial applications.
• Differentiation: Offers a distinctive look compared to standard paver blocks, providing a unique selling point in the market.

.4. Conclusion
The sale of the design patent for INTERLOCKING PAVER BLOCK represents a strategic move to leverage innovative design in a competitive market. This report provides an overview of the patent's significance, market value, and the details of the transaction.

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