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Traffic controlling spike mat

[Category : - DESIGN PATENTS]
[Viewed 96 times]

Under emergency to control the vehicular traffic during protests and other similar situations it is very difficult to control the traffic manually. The best example for this is the last Punjab framers' strike in Delhi. So, police personnel can use this innovated mat having spikes to control the traffic. The mat is so designed that it can be folded or with a foldable box. This can be unfolded on road across the lane width, and fixed with temporary arrangements as per design during the above said situations. Drivers can not ply their vehicles on the mat due to spike fixed to the mat as the vehicle get punctured if it is plied on mat.

The police personnel can be relaxed from controlling the vehicular traffic under emergency. Police personnel while chasing the thieves and terrorists can use this mat on the road by communicating to the concerned ahead.

At present the police officers are manually controlling the traffic which are not allowed under some situations. And police do not have such spike mats as of now with them to arrest the movement of vehicles of thieves and terrorists on roads.

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Looking for outright sale of design and idea.
So far this invention is published and awaited for examination. Therefore the innovation is neither sold nor licensed yet..

No such technology is used so far. As it the need of the day for police authorities even for military authorities from security point of view, this has a boom in the market.

Specific conditions will be discussed if some one comes forward for purchase of license.

No other pieces of IP associated with this invention so far.

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