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Geo tyre stabilisation technology in pavement construction.
[Category : - DESIGN PATENTS]
[Viewed 172 times]
The invention is about stabilizing the flexible pavement to enhance its stability and durability using used waste tyres of vehicles..
This technology is a cost effective and environmental friendly solution to stabilize the pavement using 3D confinement principle. It not only enhances the stability and durability of the pavement but also addresses the problem of disposal of waste tyres in a useful and eco-friendly manner instead of routine disposal by burning them. This also reduces the global warming effect..
Compared to the present recent 3D confinement technology is being adopted using Geo-cells. But using geotyre technology is far better that the performance of geo cells in many aspects and most importantly this is the best solution to dispose of waste tyres in a beneficial environmental way..
Financial informationI am looking for a buyer to license this on royalties or to sell the patent permanently if goof offer is received.
My patent is neither licensed nor sold to any one so far.
Market potential is very huge as it is related to the communication infrastructure i.e., construction of flexible pavements. India stands 2nd in the world to have large road network next to U.S.A. So, there will be enormous financial saving to the government by implementing this technology.
Buyer can use this technology on a large scale and will be benefitted much. So, byer has huge market potential.
Specific conditions can be discussed while negotiating the deal.
No other pieces of intellectual property associated with this invention.
Patent publications:
No published informationAsk the inventor for a copy of the filed application
Asking price:
100,000 USD

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