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TGP in pavement construction and manufacturing pavers
[Category : - Construction Processes & Equipment]
[Viewed 197 times]
Thermo-geo-plastic (TGP) is a technology to use waste plastic and soil under specific temperature to use it as a wearing cost in flexible pavement and also to manufacture pavers which can be used for parking yards, foot paths and pavement shoulders. This invention solves the problem of disposal of plastic waste in a useful and ecofriendly manner which also reduces the global warming.. This technology makes the flexible pavement impervious and enhances the stability and durability of the pavement. Comparing with the existing method or technology of flexible pavement construction, it is noticed that no impervious layers are used in the existing method of pavement construction and there is no scope to use the composite mix that is combination of soil and waste plastic for pavement construction. This technology addresses the problem of disposal of huge waste plastic all over the world.
The laboratory tests have shown the compressive strength of TGP pavers more than 10 MPa. So, this can be used in lieu of M10 concrete for non structural components also.. The tests have been carried out on different soils. Almost all soils have given good results but with varying proportions. Some soils have given best results.
Financial information1. I am looking for both an outright sale and a license with royalties. It depends up on the negotiations as per the choice of purchasers or user.
2. My innovation is not yet sold anywhere in the world.
3. As the road infrastructure is the basic need for the socio economic development of a country. The road network in India is the second largest in the world next to U.S.A. So, my invention is a boost to have cost effective and ecofriendly pavement construction which will have better stability and durability. Therefore a lot of market potential is there in the world.
4. Specific condition for sale: After negotiations and before undergoing NDA, the purchase has to pay full amount well in advance and is not authorized to sell to others. However it depends up on the negotiations between each others.
5. As of now no other pieces of intellectual property associated with my invention.
Patent publications:No publication
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