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The latest technology essential tremor treatment gloves

[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 107 times]

I invented the Tremor stabilizing device, which can help patients with essential tremor, the most common type of tremor, affecting up to 5% of the world's population. Experts estimate that essential tremor affects about 10 million people in the United States. Compared with existing products, my technology uses a brand-new technical solution, which is better in size, weight, battery life and treatment effect. Shock absorbers are set at the five finger joints of the user, thus solving the problem of the existing technology that is difficult to stabilize finger shaking. The US patent for this technology is pending. If you are interested in this technology, you can chat with me.

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I am now looking for a company or individual who is ready to produce this product, and can completely transfer the patent, as well as provide technical guidance in the later stage.

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