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[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 111 times]

The present disclosure provides a Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasound Transducer cell, comprising a membrane (203, 303, 403), a substrate (204, 304, 404), a top electrode (201, 301, 401) in contact with the membrane (203, 303, 403), a bottom electrode (202, 302, 402) in contact with the substrate (204, 304, 404) and a layer (206, 306, 406) of material filled in the Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasound Transducer cell extending from the membrane (203, 303, 403), thereby eliminating a gap.

ATOA CMUT solution provides for a new and robust operational mode “the simple smooth mode” that overcomes the limitations of the state of the art.

ATOA’s CMUT prototypes show exceptional performance by using a novel simple robust multilayer and multifunctional configuration.

ATOA CMUT with exceptional performance designed and specified.
In progress worldwide Patent filing.
Ready for Technology Transfer/ Licensing

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