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A Through Door Package Delivery Assembly and Related Methods

[Category : - CONSTRUCTION HOME IMPROVEMENT- Security and alarms]
[Viewed 129 times]

US Patent Number US 10,881,233 B1

The device is a through-door package delivery assemblythat is mounted in a garage door. The delivery door is connected to an internal chute, which when opened will allow packages to be deposited into the garage. the device will obstruct entry as well.
The device is carried by the garage door when its opened without impeding its operation. The assembly can be locked from inside if desired and has been designed to allow packages in while keeping people out. The assembly will allow packages 8.5" h x 17.5"L x 12"D, or approximately 80% of delivered items.
In addition the device can be used by all carriers and delivery services which includes the USPO, Fed Ex, Amazon and UPS to name a few. the assmbly will work 24 hours a day....everyday. The official Registered Trademark is DDROP.
Please check out for videos and other information.
The device allows multiple deliveries and protects the customer from theft and damage due to inclinate weather.
Out of site and stored safely with the packages in your garage, no need for codes to enter your home by delivery persons you do not know. The design is simple, effective and will last decades once installed. Installtion required will take about 1 hour.

Financial information

I am seeking to sell or License the Patent as well as the Official Trademark. DDROP the D is for Delivery.
There are over 200,000,000 Garages in the United States.
Each is a potential customer....imagine ...even 1% is a staggering number.
I am willing to consider alternative offers and would consider any offer on its merrits.
With proper Advertising and distribution this UNTAPPED market could skyrocket.
I am an Inventor and sadley not a great Marketing person.
Offered at regional home shows recently the overwhelming approval was astounding, well over 95% positive !
There is no other device on the market like this!!!
Check out the Patent office US Patent 10,881,233 B1.
On of a kind and no competition.
Please consider...and thanks for your time.

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