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Solar-Powered phone stand with charger

[Category : - Pumps]
[Viewed 151 times]

A simple and practical phone stand that also charges your phone using solar energy. This invention is easy to make with basic materials and tools. MATERIALS NEEDED; 1.Small solar panel (5v,USB output) 2.USB charging cable 3..Cardboard or light weight or wood for the stand 4.Hot glue gun or glue sticks 5.Scissors or a craft knife 6.Paint or markers .7.small hinges for a foldable design

BENEFITS Provides a convenient way to charge your phone using renewable solar energy. Easy to make with affordable and accessible materials . It also encourages use of sustainable energy. It combines functionality (phone stand)with practicality (solar charger).

NOTE:I am 14 years old not 18 please keep in mind before making a call.

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