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Market proven Eye dominance product for all gun types

[Category : - OTHER- Fishing and hunting]
[Viewed 170 times]

Patent No. 10619975 (US) - UK market has a separate Patent The patent covers an eye dominance aid that is added to the side of a barrel to sub-consciously stimulate the brain to favour the input of that eye - overcoming any eye dominance in the user during the shot. Developed over 18 months and qualified with a Professor of Optometry before launch in 2019 this is a unique way to tackle the impact of eye dominance on every shooter. The SP (Shot Paraboloid current product name) acts as a stimulant and is visible in the peripheral vision and used sub-consciously by the brain so not a typical sight - allowing full focus on the target with perfect eye / barrel / target alignment. ALREADY BEING SOLD WORLDWIDE and with success for shooters up to National level teams and in European and World championships but equally effective in a domestic home defence and hunting environment. Patent covers all gun types in the US so huge potential to develop in to multiple markets - initial testing also proves its successful if set up as a night sights on hand guns. Access to use of production tooling can be included in negotiations (based in the UK). US market is up and running via the UK website Link (.com domain is also available if name kept).Totally unique in the approach and proven and supported by coaches and shooters - simply a new way to solve the problem that works - huge market potential in the US -both in the sports and hunting to general purpose / home defence / personal protection on all open sighted guns. Current design can be adapted full support provided - patent covers the attachment of profile unique to the eye over the rib on the side of the gun so size and profiling can change to suit gun. (size and simple designs mean low manufacturing costs)

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Will consider complete sale or licensing

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