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[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 146 times]

Endovascular minimally invasive multi-stage negative impeller pump for heart failure.

An in-vivo micro blood pump is disclosed. The pump, comprising: a holder configured to be inserted into a blood vessel to be anchored to the blood vessel by one or more stents; and two or more micro-impellers located inside the holder while having the same rotation axis. Each micro-impeller may include a rotor and a cylindrical stator. The rotor may include a first hollow cylinder; two or more internal blades, extending inward from a wall of the first hollow cylinder, wherein the radial dimension of each blade is less than an internal radius of the first hollow cylinder; and one or more magnets. The cylindrical stator may include one or more electromagnets. A first micro impeller has a first blade pitch, and a second micro impeller has a second blade pitch, different from the first blade pitch.

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