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[Category : - Food- HEALTH- Baby products]
[Viewed 142 times]

The invention is a solid oral composition for targeted release in an intestine of a mammal.
Capsules made according to the invention protects oral pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and vaccines during the passage of the stomach and release these in the intestine.
Capsules are made from a food fiber such as Cellulose I and an enzyme, which digest the fiber at a controlled rate at neutral to basic pH and which is in-active at acidic pH.
Thereby the invention overcomes the problem of large variations in passage times of the stomach and uses the relatively stable passage times of the intestine to provide targeted release in the intestine.

The invention solves the problem of targeted release in the intestine by use of natural ingredients. Cellulose I for instance is used in large amounts as a texturizer in foods in Asia.
Relevant cellulases for digesting cellulose I are kosher approved.

This makes the invention particularly relevant for over-the-counter products such as nutraceuticals for which the alternatives are not approved due to the risk of carcinogenetic in large amounts.

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