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Thermal Marine Propulsion system

[Viewed 174 times]

I am writing to show my interest for the sale, licensing, or other monetization of my US patent. Please refer to the following Patent details:
Patent number: US 12,017,735 B1
Summary: A thermal marine propulsion system is disclosed as an alternative to ordinary marine propulsion systems that utilize mechanical thrusters, i.e. propellers or impellers. The invented system utilizes a solid-state approach and employs a plate-type electric heating-element with a heat-emitting surface, which through boiling and displacing the surrounding water, creates a pressure difference between itself and the opposite-surface. Consequently, a thrust is generated along the (inward-pointing) normal-vector of the heat-emitting surface.
Potential markets for the technology: (Solid-state) Marine propulsion systems
My contact information: +91 7668057074 & [Use the button below to contact me]

The reason for the simplicity of the claims is that the patent covers a highly innovative approach to marine thrusters, marking the inception of a new field in marine propulsion. This opens up extensive opportunities for future commercialisation. Alongside, I’m also willing to collaborate with interested firms for R&D projects towards building an extensive patent portfolio.

Given the unique nature of the technology, I believe several types of companies would be interested in exploring this innovation. Major sea freight firms, cruise liner companies, and shipbuilders are among those likely to see value in enhancing their propulsion systems with this novel technology.

I look forward to discuss this further with interested parties.

Best regards,

Shantanu Singh,
Inventor & Assignee

Financial information

I'm particularly interested in a license with royalties.

The patent has been issued on 25 Jun. 2024. As of now, I've not received any offers for commercialization.

It's applicable throughout the field of Marine propulsion systems.

I'm open to negotiations,

No other intellectual properties are applicable. Moreover, the ones cited by the USPTO are already expired.

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