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[US] Automatic Camera Zoom for AR Glasses

[Viewed 199 times]

[US Application 18/668,485]
Vision loss, a common challenge associated with aging, affects a significant portion of the global aging population. The proposed system introduces an automatic zooming solution as an enhancement to camera systems on AR glasses. When there is an object in front of the user within an arm’s length, the camera will zoom in automatically to allow more details of the object to be captured, and to achieve a visual quality equivalent to or better than 20/20 vision.

Technically, the proposed system leverages user voice commands for media captures to check the acoustic characteristics of the user environment. Specifically, echo signals will be used to determine whether there is any significant object in front of the user within a predetermined distance or distance range. The proposed solution can be enabled or disabled by a user explicitly. And, when it is enabled, the zoom-in decision logic runs in parallel to conventional voice assistance operations, therefore, does not introduce significant latency to default photo capture experience.

The proposed system can be applied to other wearable devices in addition to AR glasses. Any device with a camera, a mic or mic array, and AI-based or user-voice-driven capture experience can technically leverage the proposed system.

Financial information

Gradual vision loss, e.g. due to age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is one of the typical physical challenges to the aging population. Within the US, approximately 12.6% of Americans aged 40 and older had AMD in 2019. The prevalence of AMD increased with age, ranging from 2% among people aged 40 to 44 to 46.6% among those aged ?85.

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