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Fun sightseeing bus with a swimming pool

[Category : - OTHER]
[Viewed 202 times]

The invention relates, on the one hand, to a mobile vehicle with water bathing facility for entertainment purposes that comprises at least one suitable motor vehicle, an either open or covered pool (m) mounted on this vehicle as a superstructure or converted from the body of the car where the pool (m) concerned is filled with water, and where the water-level control to suit the current road conditions is executed by means of the screw jacks (h), hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders (h), effectuated by a pool-moving unit (1), and the stability of the water mass swaying on account of braking and acceleration is ensured by the flood diverting unit (2) and water flow and sway controlling unit (3). The aforesaid units together with the central control unit (v) constitute one system, which is the water-level controlling system (6) of a pool (m) filled with water that is mounted on a motor vehicle. On the other hand, the invention relates to an application for transportation of people in a pool (m) mounted on a motor vehicle and filled with water which vehicle is utilised as a sightseeing bus comprising the complete range of services provided by the mobile bathing vehicle, such as sightseeingtours, bachelor parties, hen nights, school trips and any function or social event.

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