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Organic and natural pest control family or brands

[Category : - Organic Chemistry]
[Viewed 208 times]

We are selling our family of product formulas. The first product is patent pending and OMRI certified organic, the rest are common law protected.
Our products are 100% plant based no chemicals what so ever but work as well a contemporary chemical brands such as raid or round up. Without any of the harmful qualities to humans or the environment. They have all been tested either by the actual beta testers to which there are testimonials. Or by our team. All of our product are backed up by science and third party test case studies done by either government agencies or laboratories.
The products are as follows :
Powder pesticide OMRI certified.
Liquid pesticide.
Powder fertilizer ( better than chemical Urea fertilizer in amount of nitrogen in it)
A mosquito killer
Ant killer
Snake repellent
Rat repellent
currently NYC has a $32,000,000 budget to get rid of humanely there rat problem along with most major cities doing similar measure. The last product alone is a gold mine for the right company.
All 7 product and full ownership of them are for sale.

Financial information

The organic agriculture sector is a 25 Billion a year sector and growing. The fact of the matter is this industry is an industry that is not going away anytime in the future. People have become more aware of what they are not only doing to the earth but them selves. And are in the form of purchases demanding change.
Not to mention the rodent problem in all major city but especially NYC have doubles in the last year. And NYC is in search of a humane way of dealing with its rodent problems to the tune of a budget of 32,000,000 per year. Step in our product as an answer to these cry’s.

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