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Device for filtering
[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 275 times]
Sample Preparation Device for filtering:
Technological advancement in the pre-concentration of investigative body fluid prior to analysis.
A device and method for filtering a liquid, wherein the device (100) comprises a container (110), a filter unit (120) and a filtering medium (130). The container (110) holds the liquid (10) containing a solid substance (10a), and the filter unit (120) is slidable in the container (110). The filtering medium (130) is non-permeable to the solid substance (10a) in the liquid (10).
This is a patented filtration and concentration device for filtering a liquid and holding filtrate in a simple, efficient and cost effective way. The device performs reverse-filtration without requiring the use of any powered actuator for applying a pressure for filtering, while minimising clogging of a filtering medium, thus, allowing for higher filtrate volume to pass through the filtering medium.
Benefits : High recovery yield, Fast & Simple to use.
With this Sample Preparation Technology, bodily fluids such as urine, saliva, or nasal fluid may be obtained via non invasive methods and pre-concentrated prior to analysis. This makes it possible to perform testing for presence if biomarker in bodily fluids for diseases such as cancer, infectious diseases and chronic inflammation, instead of having to rely on blood samples which require invasive methods to obtain.
Potential applications of this Sample Preparation Technology can be extended to the development of other lateral flow test kits (Rapid Test Kits for professional or home use) for the detection of biomarkers in pre-concentrated urine, saliva or nasal fluid samples.
Other possible applications for this Sample Preparation Technology can be in urinalysis, cytology, microbiology, or in other life sciences, which currently utilises centrifugation method for pre-concentration of bodily fluid samples which is prone to errors.
At present, this Sample Preparation Technology is patented and awaiting patent grant in :
Malaysia - patented
UK - patented
Japan - patented
Germany - patent pending
China - patent pending
Korea - patent pending
USA - patent pending
Hong Kong - patent pending
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