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Real time detection of coliform or E. coli bacteria in water
[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 218 times]
Due to the lengthy test duration of the existing "EN ISO 9308-2 Water Quality - Detection and Enumeration of Escherichia coli and Coliform Bacteria - Part 2: Most Probable Number Method," which takes up to 18 hours, and the impracticality of waiting for such a duration on ships and in areas where water is stored for use, I have undertaken a study to reduce this time frame. As a result of my work, I have successfully managed to reduce the incubation and waiting period to as little as 4 hours.rnrnThe principle of my invention is based on monitoring the division of E. coli bacteria, which divide every 17-22 minutes during incubation at 37.5°C with Coliert-18 culture medium, by counting them every 10 minutes using spectrophotometry, inductance, and transmittance methods to assess their growth rate and the condition of the water. If coliform or E. coli bacteria are present in the sample, our sensors detect this change within a maximum of 4 hours, alerting us to the growth and enabling us to take early preventative measures.
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