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Touchless Toilet Seat Cleaning
[Category : - Bathroom]
[Viewed 347 times]
This invention is about Touchless Toilet Seat Cleaning and will classified into two parts control board and toilet seat with seat cover,
Toilets are public sanitary ware, and to protect health that is important to ensure that they are always clean and ready for reuse.
Just using this invention the Touchless Toilet Seat Cleaning for our toilets makes our Toilets cleaner and healthier, and a reason to protect our health.This is the main reason for the desire to development and innovation of a method for washing, cleaning and drying the Toilet Seat to be so important, The Control Board
organizes and controls the steps of washing, cleaning and drying the Toilet Seat completely through its Toilet Seat Cover, by using soap or any suitable chemical liquid, water and hot air, when soap is first sprayed on the Toilet Seat for washing and then using
high pressure water for cleaning, at the end is using the hot air to drying the Toilet Seat, these steps are automatically arranged and sequential, finally a Toilet Seat is ready for reuse in a short time.
After receiving approval, all sanitary ware manufacturer brands can use this invention (Touchless Toilet Seat Cleaning) to replace toilet seats.
Financial information presenting the (Touchless Toilet seat cleaning system), I am open to various forms of collaboration, including outright sale, licensing with royalties, or other partnership arrangements.
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