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Arterial stiffness measurement by ultrasound scanner

[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 236 times]

The aim of this study is to introduce for the first time an innovative model allowing us to determine the 3-D arterial stiffness. Arterial stiffness is increasingly recognized as a predictor of cardiovascular events but there is no method suited to calculate the arterial stiffness in 3-D. We measured 6 pairs of diameter, and diameter change of the right and the left common carotid artery of normal tension patients and their systolic and diastolic tensions. Then we calculate the arterial stiffness by introducing an hyper-elastic model in 3-D. Measurement of deformation of the common carotid artery on normal tension patients allows us to determine the average arterial stiffness of 474 kPa compared to 803 kPa recently published : Pierre Boutouyrie et als “Arterial Stiffness and Cardiovascular Risk in Hypertension”, Circulation Research. 2021;128:864–886. Our hyper-elastic model takes into account the thickness and the incompressibility of the biological artery wall tissues.

Key Words : Arterial Stiffness, Compliance, Pulse Wave Velocity, Wall Thickness, Elasticity, Incompressibility, Hypertension, Hyper-elasticity, Diabetes, Smoking, Obesity and Overweight, Cholesterol, Aging.

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When the carotid arterial stiffness will be calculated for normal hypertension subjects we shall be able to perform others studies as hypertension, diabetes, smoking, overweight, cholesterol origin of arterial stiffness increased. Arterial stiffness is as great as the risk of cardiovascular disease is important and finally we can draw a survival curve for lifetime estimated. Others applications to promote physical exercise [18] diet how to be healthy [19] and regularly control the artery stiffness. To do so we must confirm our result of normal hypertension subjects (EH=474 kPa) with more eligible individuals aged from 20 to 80 years.
I am looking for partnership following an estimate based on Viet Lien support with a latest generation ultrasonic device capable of memorizing measurement values with an accuracy of 1/100 mm
on 300 people.
This is the most necessary step because after this the vascular stiffness calculation program will automatically give results on a certain number of healthy people in Can Tho city of each age group 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, ..., 60-69, 70-79, +80 to compare with sick people (diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, obesity, old age) and with people following a healthy diet of the same age. People suffering from diabetes, blood fat, etc. will have higher vascular stiffness than normal people and thus we will be able to check the results after a period of treatment or after an appropriate diet. And there are many other apps for high blood pressure, blood fat, smoking, obesity and aging, including tracking sports exercises such as taichi, aerobics, yoga and training athletes.

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