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[Category : - DESIGN PATENTS]
[Viewed 243 times]
- what your invention is about:
The present invention provides a stiff in-plane and/or soft in-plane rotor head for a rotorcraft comprising a rotor shaft, a center hub and plurality of outer hubs at the opposite ends of the center hub, wherein the outer hubs are parallel to each other and capable of an angular range of teetering and/or lead-lag movement relative to the center hub. A plurality of rotor blades is coupled to the rotor shaft through the center hub and outer hubs by a constant velocity joint that enables blades to be rotated in a common plane about rotor shaft axis while controlling respective pitches of the blades such that relative in-plane and out-of-plane movements of blades during rotation is allowed.
- what problem it solves:
The studies have shown that rotors with greater solidity are required for next-generation high speed heavy lift rotor helicopter designs. This greater rotor solidity is most efficiently delivered with a large number of blades per head. One of the conventional air craft having a teeter or semi-rigid rotor heads inherently can employ only two blades per hub and are therefore, unsuitable for high speed heavy lift helicopter configurations. With increase in payload in a teetering or semi-rigid rotor helicopters, there is a requirement of increase in length and width of rotor blade (i.e., a change in the aspect ratio of the rotor blade). The decrease in aspect ratio increases drag and increase in blade length increases both drag and blade tip velocity exceeding the speed of the sound. Hence, looking at the problems associated with the existing technologies in the state of the art, there is a need of blades with good aspect ratio which eliminate the drag. The blades should also provide high wing loading and wide range of center of gravity with high efficiency and good performance of rotorcrafts.
- what is the benefit comparing the existing technologies:
The problems associated with the existing technologies in the state of the art related to aspect ratio and rotor tip rpm, , there is a need of blades with good aspect ratio which eliminate the drag. The blades will also provide high wing loading and wide range of center of gravity with high efficiency and good performance of rotorcrafts.
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