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PATHODIAGNOSER: To diagnose and treat diseases

[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 1872 times]

THE PATHODIAGNOSER was initially and specifically designed for the US Army to address battle field injuries and reduce combat deaths as part of the Military readiness. Since the outback of COVID-19 pandemic and the unset of variant strains of resistant diseases due to climate change and extreme weather. rnUSE: It uses both Artificial intelligence and telemedicine to diagnose and treat pathological diseases and conditions by use of a smart microscope that will transmit the specimen image from the patient into a computer that has been loaded and programmed with a catalog of every pathological diseases and conditions known to mankind. This will then try to accurately match the the three closest picture in the computer to that of the specimen image and accurately give a diagnosis and treatment options. rnBENEFITS: It is relatively more accurate and faster therefore reducing treatment time by more than half and at the same time drastically reduce healthcare cost by a fraction. rnIt is designed to be portable, cheaper, and easier to use in very remote areas by use of telemedicine. This is sure to be a game changer as it will reduce the pressure and diagnosis time for both the Doctors (Pathologist) the Labs and the healthcare facilities.

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This Technology is so futuristic and is designed and destined to revolutionized Medicine and the entire Global Healthcare industry. It will create jobs, increase the Global standard of living and economic impact through health and wealth creation. As we say A HEALTHY NATION IS A WEALTHY NATION. I want the buyer to take take complete control and full legal ownership moving forward. I am very willing to work with the new owner in a Consultancy role until product is ready for production and marketing.

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