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Adjustable Shower Base
[Viewed 514 times]
The invention relates to a waste fitting including a waste pan means into which waste can flow, at least one part of the waste pan means allowing visual inspection therethrough. During installation, an opening of the waste outlet can be located by visual inspection through the or each at least one part of the waste pan means, enabling a suitable position to be determined for forming and or positioning of at least one aperture in the waste pan means. The at least on aperture is formed such that, in use, waste that flows into the waste pan means can exit through the or each at least one aperture towards the opening in the waste outlet. The invention also relates to a method of installing a waste fitting.
Financial informationOur Adjustable Shower Bases are selling online and are suited to the DIY renovation market.
I am looking for companies to manufacture via license or to form a partnership.
Patented in USA, China, UK, France, Germany, NZ, Australia.
Trademark Wydaflo
Website wydaflo.com
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