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Solution for asphalt joint preparation. Market implementation.

[Category : - OTHER- Construction Processes & Equipment- DESIGN PATENTS]
[Viewed 404 times]

An innovative ramp and resistance beam for asphalt transverse joint preparation – 2 in 1 product. Solution has multiple applications: it can be successfully used for construction of both bicycle paths and highways,. Through its application: material loss can be cut down up to 100% and work efficiency can increase significantly. Its modular design guarantees a reliable and consistent performance basically regardless of road width and asphalt layer thickness. The product modular design enables users to customise a product to their current needs – size of the product i.e. length and number of modules can be easily adapted.rnWe deliver solution which may reduce cost of asphalt transverse joint preparation by increasing work productivity on the one hand, and savings on raw materials on the other hand. Construction of 1km of an express road (highway) requires execution of min 9-14 transverse joints. Construction of lower class road requires execution min. 4-10 of it per 1 km. Preparation of one joint costs up to 2.000 EUR. In big infrastructural projects (i.e. express road) our solution is estimated to make even more than 2.000 tons of material and time (it allows reducing about: 5 000 overtime hours and 2 500 hours of heavy equip. downtime).rnSolution has successfully went through market implementation in Europe (Poland, Czech Rep., France).
- 1st Place in Startup Challange in European Economic Congres,
- Listed in PwC Net Zero Future50 report – CEE Edition,
Patent process ongoing:rnInternational application No, PCT/PL2021/050013rnEurope: EP21723027.5rnUS: No. 17/909,118.rnTrade mark No, 018535365 (EUIPO)rnrnMore info about solution on: Link

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