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Grip-it golf method
[Category : - Golf]
[Viewed 493 times]
A grip-it golf method for releasably supporting a golf glove and for maintaining the golf glove in a readily accessible location consists of providing a golf glove, a supporting member, a primary connector, and a supplemental connector, then coupling the primary connector to a recipient member and finally coupling the supplemental connector to the recipient member.
Financial informationNo sale of either patent or previous marketing
Full assignment of three patents combined preferred: Individual patents negotiable.
Only Exclusive licensing on individual patent or combination patents will be considered with fair license fee and royalties to be delineated.
These patented golf products are in the captive audience of the golfing world. Roughly 8-10% of the American population play golf on a golf course. The economic impact data of golf activity is approximately $84.1 billion, depending on data source.
The versatility of these products makes for other sports markets as noted on website:
Link It is One-of-a-Kind, unlike any other products under the umbrella of glove holders. The potential marketing, logoed, opportunities are tremendous!
It is Made in America! Materials come from North Carolina and Florida and fabrication done in Oldsmar, Florida.
The full potential of these inventions in the golfing and sports industry will only be understood with ownership bringing financial and marketing necessary to achieve success.
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