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Advanced Medical Appointment Wait List Improves Health Care
[Category : - SOFTWARES]
[Viewed 430 times]
Medical appointment cancellations that go unfilled delay patient access to care and cost the US health system Billions of dollars per year. Software is needed to create sophisticated wait lists to let patients know about cancellations at times they want so they can get their care sooner. A wait list that knows the preferred times of availability for each patient is more effective than spamming patients for any available appointment. New software built to solve this problem texts or emails a patient cancellations and he/she can respond by text to get the spot without having to call the office. Unlike the competition, It can be used for office appointments as well as elective surgeries or medical procedures. This patent soon will soon be issued (notice of allowance has been granted) has IP for methods of creating wait lists more easily and more versatile than the competition. Wait Lists do not have to be first come first serve and can be ranked by need or severity of a problem. in addition a unique repeating 7 day pattern of ranges of desired times makes data entry much easier than entering individual time slots. This IP can be incorporated into electronic medical record systems or scheduling modules to improve scheduling efficiency. Patients get care sooner and health care flow becomes more efficient and profitable since the schedules stay full more often.
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