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Automatic Slicker Brush for grooming pets

[Category : - PET PRODUCTS]
[Viewed 775 times]

Automatic Slicker brush for brushing pets that need to be brushed on a regular basis to keep their coats tanglefree

Our device makes all the brush movements for its user 3 - 5x faster then by hand.
So it saves time and energy.
But it also saves wrists, elbows and shoulders.
And it saves coats.

Groomingsalons can help more customers. Because it detangles coats, groomers can clip the pets in a nice model instead of shaving it very short, which will make the petowners happy and they will make good advertisement for the grooming salon.

Also these customers will return more often to the grooming salon for the next groom. If their coats are shaved it will take a very long time before they are back for the next groom if they ever come back....

But as we have learned in the Netherlands, where our seller is selling thousands of our device per year, petowners are the biggest market.

With our brush petowners can keep the coats of their pets tangle free more easily. Which is very good because pets need their coat as protection against the sun, the wind and scratches.

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