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Portable Screened Enclosure
[Category : - OTHER]
[Viewed 382 times]
This invention relates to building structures, particularly that of a screen enclosure.
A principle object of this invention is to provide a screen enclosure that is economical, easy to assemble and disassemble virtually anywhere, while requiring no special tools or strength.
The Portable Screened Enclosure is a more durable covering option for protection from natural elements outdoors such as insects. It comprises 5 interchangeable screened squares. Four of the squares are identical, however, the fifth square contains an additional opening which is used to house a door. The interchangeable squares are composed of aluminum square slots with holes on all sides, with a screen attached via rubber spline. The enclosure is created by connecting each unit together to form four walls and a ceiling. To connect them together, a studded post is inserted into the screened unit and tightened with nuts. Since the units are interchangeable, each square can be connected to any other. This allows the portable screened enclosure to be customized by adding additional units to create a larger enclosure either vertically and/or horizontally. Individually the units are lightweight therefore making them easy to transport.
The Portable Screened Enclosure is a more durable covering option for protection from natural elements outdoors such as insects. It comprises 5 interchangeable screened squares. Four of the squares are identical, however, the fifth square contains an additional opening which is used to house a door. The interchangeable squares are composed of aluminum square slots with holes on all sides, with a screen attached via rubber spline. The enclosure is created by connecting each unit together to form four walls and a ceiling. To connect them together, a studded post is inserted into the screened unit and tightened with nuts. Since the units are interchangeable, each square can be connected to any other. This allows the portable screened enclosure to be customized by adding additional units to create a larger enclosure either vertically and/or horizontally. Individually the units are lightweight therefore making them easy to transport.
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