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Firsbee - Exceptional Performance

[Category : - OTHER- Toys and games]
[Viewed 458 times]

The firsbee has limiting weight. The new material. The use of Single polymer composite (SPC) has the advantage of improved significantly over all mechanical properties. Thus, one could use lower weight(~70%) to achieve similar set of properties ("toughness"). Alternatively, use higher weigh cold lead to significantly superior performance.
Use of the 'Polyethylene(HDPE)', as choice material is possible.
The process of manufacturing is different to that of traditional method, to be able to impart "SPC". The new SPC process can be used with meltable polymer, e.g. HDPE, PP, PET, Nylons(6 & 66). These are some examples of polymer systems. This simple and straight forward method is used here with known parameters. This new material has made repeatedly over ten years, It has exceptional impact performance.
Patentable; not to date reported this process of manufacturing.
SPC uses tiny materials to be fused together, resulting in with high impact.

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The increase in the cost with new version is marginal. A significant selling point of these Frisbee is very long life. Huge profit margin possibility. A known process is used to SPC, the resulting products are marketed for very different application.
Low initial cost: both as (1) Technology transfer and (2) Project implementation. Fast communication. Huge profit margin possible. World-wide demand of the product and technology.
There is significant possibility of "technology transfers", "There could be very large profit on technology transfer to others". Indian patent granted for the process for very different application. Anybody supporting a technology transfer, get advantage of the effort.
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