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Tire life signifanctly improved
[Category : - OTHER- Automotive Accessories ]
[Viewed 416 times]
Concept: Low twist yarns. Twisted yarn typically use to make fabric for tire reinforcement, these are crucial for tire life. Twist results in reduction of strength by about 15%. Additionally, strength decay (stress decay, being these are thermoplastic) continues in use of twisted filaments in the tire.
Idea is to eliminate the yarn twisting process for this use or in any application.
Any application, any chemical type (any man made Filaments) yarns e.g. PET, N6, N66, Kevlar, Viscose. Due enhanced strength without twist (estimated by about 30%), Examples; technical textile based on filament yarn products will have significantly improved performance. For example, tire life could significantly enhanced. These are crucial for race car tire, air-plane tire & heavy duty tires. What about verification of the concept?: Verified.
US patent applied.
Additional applications:
****Heart valve:
The use of low twist yarn in making the heart valve, will increase the mechanical properties, which result in improved performance or "reduce weight". Many Additional applications: There may hundred of products requiring this technology (It is based on filament yarns). This is a disruptive technology.
# The spelling of "Tire" used here, alternative spelling of "Tyre" is used many times.
Financial informationThere is significant enhancement of life of tire, it cold be as 80% enhancement. Secondly, twisting is eliminated. Being a big expense is removed. Improved performance could be enhanced tire price with huge economic advantage.
If working together helps it will be provided. Work together for profit sharing model is a possibility. Low initial cost: both as (1) Technology transfer and (2) Project implementation. World-wide demand of 'technology and products'. In addition, many products may require this technology; e.g. technical fabrics, Many tire manufacturers, may require this technology. There is significant possibility of "technology transfers", as the current manufacturing process may not competitive enough to sell their products. "There could be very large profit on 'technology transfer' ". Anybody supporting a technology transfer, get advantage of the effort.
This listing actively updated without changing the basic theme.
Patent publications:No publication
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