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impressionistic drawing bottle
[Category : - Toys and games]
[Viewed 386 times]
I have invented a drawing machine which Can make the most wonderful impressionistic paintings in 30 sec. .Based on water Is that anything for your company to produce/ sell?
Investement a flat bottle and 500 us dollars.
kind regards
emil bier
Se our new drawing machine get an appointment for a demonstration on 004528390891
This invention regards a flat bottle which is filled with water, coloring material,which is magnetic, small balls and surfactant., and viscosity modifiers and a preservative.
When filled aproxx . 95 % with liquid fluid and shaken the bottle forms a foam which appears white when the bottel is lying down. By drawing a painting with a thin magnet on the flat surface all the smal colored particles stick to the upper surface for a long time depending on their gravity and size. It can be used for ever.
By shaking or bending the bottle one can distort a drawing so one can made drawing more distorted, impressionistic by the movement of the bottel. Then it can be photographed.
Its like drawing pictures on rubber or like and very different.
For painters artists, children creative minds.
Get a world licence to produce it. Its patented. SEE an early prototype of the product here:
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Impressionistic Drawing Machine, patented
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Emil Bier
63, Randersgade,
2100, Ø
tel;0045 28390891
Patent publications:No publication
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