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[Category : - PET PRODUCTS]
[Viewed 452 times]
"Ultimate Exposer" head, shoulders, knees and toes friendly, universal,simple really, you can play games with your hand, feet, hands &feet), get healthy and exercise??? Yes, so fun.....you don't even realize.
Your hands and/ or feet..even clothes. Are your controller, keyboard,.with "accessories available and sold separately.
I have a patent for the "gaming glove"
Fiber optics would be thread throughout the "clothes/shoes" the fingers are your buttons if a virtual Keyboard could be projected from the glove which wired and programmed correctly...it could.
Also heated and cooled clothes I patented in 2004 so the universal attire could be combined and all features available so dual attire.
Yes attire will be Bluetooth accessible, rechargeable either solar electrically both options available.
I have so many feasible literally with the right means available, benefits never stop. ideas
Patent publications:No publication
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