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'LooMate' - Automatic Toilet Seat Closer $75,000USD ono

[Category : - Appliances and houseware- BUSINESS METHODS- Bathroom]
[Viewed 1155 times]

***'LooMate' (An Actuator) can be Marketed & Supplied to a massively broad range of RETAIL / COMMERCIAL & BATHROOM OUTLETS...your choice..!

***'LooMate' (An Actuator) can be set-up as a HOME-BASED BUSINESS-VIA WEBSITE and 'Marketed & Sold' from your HOME-BASED OFFICE...with minimal effort...

Statistically, the 'Toilet Seat' BEING LEFT UP after the man has used it is the highest-rated annoying household habit that ladies and even men have been complaining about for many generations. Ever since toilet seats were invented men have been getting into trouble for not putting the 'toilet-seat' back down after relieving themselves. The LooMate product alleviates this problem EASILY.

HOW....? (Motion or Timer Activated)

***MOTION ACTIVATED- LooMate is automatically ‘turned on’ 5 seconds after lifting the TOILET SEAT up against the TOILET LID. You can either 'swipe' your hand over the ‘sensor’ at the top of the LooMate Product on your way to flush AFTER you have finished doing what you do…
***TIMER ACTIVATED - If you simply forget to flush, LooMate has a 2 MINUTE BACKUP TIMER that will put the TOILET SEAT DOWN ‘AUTOMATICALLY’ 2 minutes after the TOILET SEAT has been lifted against the TOILET LID. It’s as easy as that.. Just walk away,,,

***Battery Operated - An Automatic Portable Hands-Free Detachable Toilet-Seat-Closer that suits Side Flush Toilet Suites & Centre Flush Toilet Suites

***LooMate, does NOT suit heavy or wooden toilet-suites
***LooMate does NOT put the LID down, only the SEAT

***SALES can be via the website to sell Worldwide having a HUGE 'Market & Income' potential Link

*** Lightweight easily packaged in a small box.
***Sells to all over the USA and Australia 'without any advertising' - FACT, of course minimal, but if you averaged it out it would be approx 3-4 products pw. We know if someone had the right connections and media savvy you could build and grow a highly profitable long-term business.

***PLEASE GO TO Website Link to view product & video and how it works. Link


***The LooMate USA Patent sale - for this 'PORTABLE LOOMATE VERSION', also ALLOWS for this product concept to be 'engineered & designed' to be 'PERMANENTLY BUILT INTO THE TOILET LID in conjunction with a SOFT/SLOW CLOSE TOILET SEAT 'if' so desired to build/engineer a different/ or additional version.

United States PATENT
US 9044122

Financial information

***Open to ALL reasonable offers whether that is;
**Outright Sale
**A License with Royalties
**Any type of Partnership

**Market potential is massive as the majority of people have at least one toilet in their home

**Conditions on the sale is entirely up to the buyer to propose - if any...!

**Existing, Website, Social Media are set up for assistance for sale of Patent.
**Existing, Product Files
**Existing, LooMate Products - approximately 3000 available to get you started

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Page created at 2025-04-01 1:07:46, Patent Auction Time.