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[Category : - Automotive Accessories ]
[Viewed 687 times]

The "IntellSphere Group" company, on behalf of its clients, proposes to consider the issue of acquiring exclusive and non-exclusive rights to the intellectual property object - "The hydraulic braking system of a vehicle". The invention is intended to improve the safety of the vehicle. Allows you to effectively stop the car in the event of a failure of the standard brake system. This is possible even if the brake hoses are damaged (broken). The invention is patented in many countries of the world.

1. Uzbekistan - Patent ? FAP 01192
2. International application for an invention in WIPO under the PCT system (PCT Application/UZ 2017/000001). After all the checks were carried out, a written message was received from the international search authority WIPO FIPS of the Russian Federation with positive conclusions on all criteria determining the patentability of the proposed device. Date of publication of the PCT: 03.05.2018 Publication No.: WO/2018/081839. Bulletin No. 18/2018(2018/05/03)
3. European Patent Office - Patent ? EP 3 533 674 B1
4. Eurasian Patent Office - Patent ? 036856
5. Japan - Patent ? 6745000
6. Japan - Patent ? 6970796
7. Australia - Patent ? 2017347973
8. USA – Patent ? US 11,364,889 ?2
9. South Korea - Patent ? 10-2234855
10. People's Republic of China - Patent ? CN110167804B
11. Hong Kong - Patent ? HKMIF190278P
12. Macau - Patent ? J/006330
13. India - Patent ?456190

Advantages of the invention:

1. With the help of this simple invention, the car acquires a new, additional function - the possibility of an emergency stop in the event of a failure of the standard brake system. Unfortunately, this feature is not available in modern cars.
2. The invention is characterized by simplicity and reliability of the design.
3. The device can be used as a parking (parking) brake, instead of the standard parking brake used today. That is, practically, it performs two functions - two in one. At the same time, none of the known parking brakes has such 100% emergency stop efficiency as the proposed Device.
4.Because the device is electrical, it can connect to any relevant vehicle systems to further improve and improve.
5. The device can use an actuator of any design that satisfies its technical characteristics.
6. Undoubtedly, the most important and invaluable advantage of the invention is that, with a 100% guarantee, it can save the lives of drivers, passengers and pedestrians in the event of a failure of the standard brake system.
A detailed description and animation can be viewed in the section of the company's website:

Financial information

Automobile production remains the largest manufacturing sec-tor. According to rough estimates, there are about 1.5 billion cars in use in the world and this figure is increasing every year. The market potential is huge. Every car should have spare brakes! This should become a safe-ty standard. For the economy, the release of innovations also means additional jobs.
The family, consisting of 12 patents, has not previously been sold, since the last 12th patent was recently received.
We propose to consider the issue of acquiring exclusive rights to the entire family of patents. We can also consider counter offers.

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