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[Category : - Camping and Outdoors ]
[Viewed 560 times]

I created 3 unique things that slow ice melt than any non electric portable cooler on the market.

1. Multi button capability so you can access beverages without opening the lid everytime you are wanting a drink.

2. Plastic Cylinders that house 2 liter bottles and 5 liter min-kegs each cylinder fill with synthetic freeze gel.

3. The only one in the world that has a water filter drain system, when ice start to melt the water will be filter into a separate cavity on the bottom of the cooler. Not only you can drink the filter water out of the dispensing gun, but it contribute to the slow ice in the base of the system!
Estimated 7-10 days ice melt!

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Selling Patent for $30k or best offer with a $9k upfront money ? with balance paid over several 4-5 months.

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