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Grip Angle! You don't know it makes the correct swing?
[Category : - Golf]
[Viewed 803 times]
This invention will dramatically improve your golf swing!
Golf began in Scotland about 800 years ago. During this very long period, various training tools were invented, but the most important training tool was not invented until this invention.
All golfers suffer from duffing, topping, and shanks and cannot eliminate them (as well as slices and hooks).
Can you separately hit straight balls, draw balls, and fade balls?
If you can hit the three types of balls, your golf life will be filled with confidence and the best life ever.
I've invented an exercise tool you can do just that!
It is a swing practice tool which grip angle is controlled by a single string. The string connects the elbows and the shaft.
This creates a magical triangle consisting of the string, shaft and forearm.
The grip angle is the angle created by the forearms and the club shaft. If your grip angle is 160 degrees at address, it must also be 160 degrees when you hit the ball. You will be able to control the ball from here.
However, due to the weight of the head, the head moves away, and the grip angle becomes greater than 160 degrees, making the ball a sliced ball.
The golfer then starts making the wrong move, and in order to return the head that has moved away from it to its normal trajectory, he lifts his head and upper body. Then he calls in the shank. You cannot control the ball unless you match the address grip angle and impact grip angle.
However, since the head speed at impact is the fastest, it is impossible to know the size of the grip angle. At that time, the tension of a string will tell your arms the opening of the grip angle by high tension. Then you can know your grip angle became bigger.
Why didn't anyone come up with such a simple exercise tool for about 700 years?
Please see the diagram, mechanism explanation, effects, and practice methods on the following website ( The address is in the link below).
Financial information I am looking for an outright sale.
Golf world has so many people and it is played over the world.
Maintaining each grip angle in the downswing and business zone is the secret to golf improvement. This revolutionary grip angle control swing practice tool, which has not been invented for hundreds of years, is of historical value.
This invention will popularize the term "grip angle" throughout the world.
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