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[Category : - Automotive Accessories ]
[Viewed 550 times]

Patent Inventors and
Chandigarh University

Objective: Establishment of a business deal with the company in either of the following options:

1.Selling approach.
2. License based approach.

Patent details:
Application number- 202211017470 (Published in Indian patent journal)
Note- Please find the attached ".pdf" file.

Patent Applicant: Chandigarh University

Patent Inventors: Armaan and Harshit Sharma

Patent Title: Vehicle mounted Anti Fog removal device

Abstract of Patent: This patent is mandated for securing the ride in misty or foggy weathers that holds unanticipated circumstances like lethal accidents in hilly areas and many more. The product based on this patent can be mounted over any vehicle, whether it is 4 wheeler or 2 wheeler. There are many other options available for solving this problem but our designed product stands taller among all the options in the rides on the roads associated with this intuitive approach.

Why is this patent a fruitful option for your brand?

This patent-based product has paved a very intuitive and effective solution that can mend the way the automobile industry visualizes different problem-solving approaches in the specific field of unanticipated situations, accidental cases. This patent was designed by keeping the users of automobiles in mind and as a result, the workflow of this patent is so useful that it can fascinate the users with its design and functionality while providing the best safety feature ever existed in terms of its design and functionality and yes, its circuitry.

Along with this, people suffer from insecurity while driving and most of the time when the fog tries to tumble the ride and it is very dangerous because the visibility becomes unclear and the temperature also gets dropped that malfunctions the automobile up to some points. So, this is the main reason why this patent is fruitful. A safety feature which can give freedom to the users to drive in a foggy atmosphere will be a boon for both the users and the brand.

How is this patent a lucrative game changer?

As the product proves its worth by itself, there is no doubt that this product will become a profitable approach for the companies in order to become one of its kind, that is unique. So, in one go, this product is using a unique approach to solve the problem associated with accidents. A product that can evade this problem by using effective features along with a fog removing control system in addition to a very attractive design is worth paying attention to. Moreover, the evaluated price along with its supportive factors prove that this idea can make decent profit from the market once it gets implemented. One of its main reasons is how will it work? Its answer is “Safety comes first in the mind of automobile users. If a user comes to know that by using a car having a safety feature that can protect me and the car itself from accidents, then that person will definitely go for the automobile having that safety feature the patent is based upon, fog removing feature.”

At last, we request you to please revert back for any query related to the patent, whether it is a technical query or another.

Also, for the elucidation purpose, we have attached a prototype of the patent (Everything that has been demystified inside the prototype has already been claimed in the intellectual property right) so that the main idea can be visualized fruitfully before the purchase and we will be very happy to welcome the interested members with their anticipated bid. Adding to this, we will also assist the buyer with whatever is required to implement this patent if the buyer wants to establish the business of this patent.

Thanking you

Contact Number: (+91) 80546-70991, (+91) 77400-30540

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Financial information

Deal with the company in either of the following options:
1.Selling approach.
2. License based approach.

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