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[Category : - ELECTRONICS]
[Viewed 687 times]

This system provides near-instantaneous tuning of a resonant transmitter for inductively coupled power systems, such as wireless power or RFID-type applications.
It operates continuously with no need for off-line calibration usually used.

In basic form, only one extra capacitor is needed in the transmitter resonant circuit. The tuning can be easily adapted for different driver structures and voltage and power levels.
It can compensate for significant detuning effects due to a receiver circuit, as well environmental effects such as close ferromagnetic structures.
It allows the use of High-Q factor resonant circuits, leading to higher circulating currents and magnetic output, improving system efficiency and range.

The tuning information may also be stored in a memory and used to adjust the tuning instantaneously - on a cycle-by-cycle basis - in order to maintain resonance when the excitation frequency changes abruptly, for example when frequency shift keying is used.
Further, by storing and updating tuning information on the fly, the system can be adapted to allow data transfer at speeds exceeding the conventional physical limits of a High Q resonator.

Demonstration systems has been fabricated in a custom smart-power IC and presented at the global #1 IC design conference and journal.
See: Link

The system architecture is quite generic, and can be implemented in basic form using discrete components. More features can be included using a custom IC.

Depending on technology and voltage/power range, the system can be mainly digital or a mix of analog and digital; for higher power/voltage, external switch devices may be used.

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This system provides tuning in a way that avoids the need for many costly high-voltage/current capacitors and switches used by conventional off-line tuning systems currently in use.

Significant space and cost savings are achieved.

The system operates in a way that infringement is easily recognised without the need for reverse engineering the interior of an IC

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