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Smart Licence
[Category : - Automotive Accessories ]
[Viewed 569 times]
We saw many people in our locality which are not obeying traffic rules while driving any kind of vehicle. There may be some kind of people which are driving without having a valid DRIVING LICENCE provided by Indian authorities.
1 . My innovation will restrict a person to drive vehicle without driving licence.
2. It will provide card lock system to vehicle.
3. With this innovation the work of traffic police gets reduced .
4. It will be possible to monitor person where it is going .
(let's consider an example if person 'X' is driving a car and he made an accident in which another person gets injured and when this case reaches in court person 'X' tell that I was not driving car when accident is happened that was my driver . In this that person X is actually guilty but not proven guilty)
My innovation helps a lot to indian law which states that "Hundred accused may be released, but one innocent should not be punished",
The example mentioned above gives clear idea about that statement. In short my invention is about to linking human aadhar data with Driving licence to fetch all the details.
Patent publications:No published informationAsk the inventor for a copy of the filed application
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